Would you like to help our library and get a nice bonus?
Yes, it is possible now to increase your download limit simply by uploading books or editing book information. Few top users who have been the most active during a week and month will be identified on the Top Uploaders and Top Editors pages.
Top users of the week
The 20 most active users of the week in each category (Top Uploaders, Top Editors and Top Moderators) will get Premium status and 100 daily downloads for 7 days
Top users of the month
The most active uploaders, editors and moderators of the month have a chance to increase their download limit for 31 days.
3rd place - will get Premium account and 100 daily downloads for 31 days
2nd place - will get Premium account and 200 daily downloads for 31 days
1st place - will get Premium account, unlimited downloads for 31 days
Are you in? Good luck!
* Memo for uploaders: Do not upload comics, magazines, articles, lectures, school/student materials, etc. Also avoid uploading bad scans, incomplete e-books or draft e-books that are only half done.